It is an organisation’s people or employees who do the work that delivers results. In fact the way all employees work is focused and directed on the strategy, how they liaise with customers, their skill and capability to do their job, their ability to work with each other in the organisation, etc...that makes all the difference between an average organisation and a high performing one. It makes your organisation's people vitally important for your organisation’s success.
So do you have great people who deliver great results?
So do you have great people who deliver great results?
There is only so much an organisation can do to change processes and systems - yes they are important and they are changeable. However it is people who use both these. It is people who do the work. It is people who can make or break your organisation, so that makes getting the people part right. SamePage Group provides people, human resources and organisation development advice and facilitation in the following areas:
- Performance management
- Organisation design and restructuring
- Succession planning, critical role planning & talent management
- HR audit & compliance
- Health & safety compliance and training
- Employment relations, performance & disciplinary issues
- Employment law and legal advice
- Learning & development
- Performance management
- Recruitment, onboarding, selection & induction
- Remuneration, pay & benefits
- Employment & people policies
- Job design & position descriptions